Trusted source for Israel postage stamps since 1965 

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Nice collection of 70 mint tabs stamps plus 7 Souvenir sheets for US$ 99
(without Song of Solomon US$ 74)

The Creation
Adam and Eve
The Flood
Noah' Ark
The Patriarchs 
The Matriarchs
Moses in the Bulrashes
Jacov Dream
The sacrifice of Isaac
Israel 12 Tribes
Moses and the Exodus
Red Sea Parting
Revelation at Mount Sinai
The Ten Commands
Human Rights
Judges of Israel
First Kings of Israel
King David
The Gates of Jerusalem
King Solomon's Temple
King Solomon Ships
Song of Solomon
Kings of Judah and Israel
Jonah and the Whale
La creazione
Adam e Eve
Arca di Noè
I Patriarchi
Le Matriarche
Mosè nei Burrash
Jacob Sogno
Il sacrificio di Isacco
Israele 12 tribù
Mosè e l'Esodo
Separazione del Mar Rosso
Apocalisse al Monte Sinai
I Dieci Comandi
Diritti umani
Giudici d'Israele
Primi re d'Israele
Re Davide
Le porte di Gerusalemme
Tempio di Re Salomone
Re Salomone navi
Cantico di Salomone
Re di Giuda e di Israele
Giona e la balena
La creación
Adán y Eva
La inundación
Arca de Noé
los patriarcas
las matriarcas
Moisés en los juncos
Sueño de jacov
El sacrificio de Isaac
Israel 12 Tribus
Moisés y el Éxodo
Despedida del Mar Rojo
Revelación en el Monte Sinaí
Los Diez Comandos
Derechos humanos
jueces de israel
Primeros reyes de Israel
Rey David
Las puertas de Jerusalén
Templo del Rey Salomón
Barcos del Rey Salomón
Canción de Salomon
Reyes de Judá e Israel
Jonás y la ballena
Die Kreation
Adam und Eva
Die Sintflut
Arche Noah
Die Patriarchen
Die Matriarchinnen
Moses in den Bulrashes
Jakob Traum
Das Opfer Isaaks
Israel 12 Stämme
Mose und der Exodus
Abschied vom Roten Meer
Offenbarung am Berg Sinai
Die zehn Gebote
Richter Israels
Erste Könige von Israel
König David
Die Tore von Jerusalem
König Solomons Tempel
König Solomon Schiffe
Lied Salomos
Könige von Juda und Israel
Jona und der Wal

Six days of Creation

Adam and Eve

The Flood

Noah' Ark

The Patriarchs of the Bible

The Matriarchs of the Bible


Moses in the Bulrashes

Jacov Dream


The sacrifice of Isaac

Israel 12 Tribes

Moses and the Exodus


Bne Israel walked on the Land in the midst of the Sea


Red Sea Parting


The Revelation at Mount Sinai


The Ten Commands

Human Rights


Joshua and the Israeli Conquest



Judges of Israel



Saul, David and Solomon First Kings of Israel


King David


The Gates of Jerusalem


King Solomon's Temple


King Solomon Ships


Song of Solomon

Kings of Judah and Israel


Jonah and the Whale





    1965-2024  Eilat Philaelic Club - Neviot St. 3/A - Box 542 - 8810401 Eilat - Israel